High-Vibe Living with Essential Oils

Zest Zone

When Life Knocks You Down, Adjust Your Sails -- Not Just Your Attitude!

This morning, someone in the Year of Miracles group I’m studying with posted a hashtag that hit me: #YANA—You Are Not Alone. And you’re not. Truth is, we never really know how much someone else is struggling. That friend who’s always laughing? Always there for everyone else? The one who seems to have it all together? Sometimes, she’s the one who needs the most support. 

Some people never got the emotional education they needed to deal with life’s daily curveballs. Some seek professional help, but most don’t—they just push through, hoping things will get better on their own. But without the right tools, stress, anxiety and depression pile up — along with all the other bodily breakdowns we’ve come to know too well and before long, these curveballs start running the show. And let’s be honest—there are plenty of those these days. 

The stressors pile up until they feel like too much, and before you know it, you’re dragging around an invisible anchor that’s all too heavy and that ache on the inside can take its toll.

Platitudes like “Embrace the journey” turn me off when there’s no substance behind it. Yes, life's detours and delays often hold valuable lessons but it feels like a cop-out when the journey is full of bumps, detours, and moments where you just want to throw in the towel.  What you need is a roadmap, practical steps, and a dose of real talk to help navigate the tough spots and keep going, not just empty phrases.

There’s an old Yiddish proverb (also attributed to Dolly Parton and others)— “You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.” It’s so timeless. There are and always will be circumstances beyond our control. Economic downturns, personal setbacks, the life-suck of Social Media or the tectonic shifts in our everyday world and our lives. You can’t always control what’s happening around you, but you can control how you show up and respond. That’s where your power is. Tweaking your mindset enables you to take action or, adjust your sails. That’s how you stop getting knocked off course and start finding a way forward.

Here are three no-fuss strategies to put into action today — allowing you to keep moving forward no matter the winds you face:

1. Reframe the Situation –Instead of seeing the roadblock, see a chance to learn or change direction. But, don’t procrastinate. Right away, ask yourself: What’s this teaching me? or How can I use this to my advantage? A small shift in how you look at things can open up a whole new world of possibilities. When you’re triggered, your brain is primed for learning (so learn!). and sitting on it can lead to spiraling and cementing a negative stress response. Act quickly!

2. Break it DownWhen a challenge feels overwhelming, shrink it. Slice it into bite-sized steps. Instead of fixating on the impossible, zero in on what’s doable right now. Small, consistent moves create momentum—and momentum keeps you moving forward. Momentum is everything. If you don’t start small, you might never start at all.

3. Lean on Your People – Stick with the ones who fuel your fire, push you higher, and remind you who the hell you are. Friends, mentors, or a rock-solid crew—surround yourself with voices that lift you, not drain you. The right people don’t just help you through the tough stuff; they make sure you keep rising. When you don’t lean on your people, you’re left to battle doubt, fear, and stress alone. That inner critic gets louder, and without outside perspective, you start believing its lies.

Sometimes, the breakthrough isn’t in the goal—it’s in the way you choose to see it. The thing is, you can change the way you feel by learning to change the way you think. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just disconnected from your joy, remember- you are not alone. #YANA

Joy is still there. It’s hiding. Waiting for you to rediscover what lights you up—what makes you feel alive. It knows you’re in a downhill emotional slide, but Joy is very patient. All you have to do is make the first move—and you can find your way back.



Allison Baldwin
What Are You Giving Up This Year?

It’s that time of year again. The resolutions are flying, and everyone’s proudly declaring what they’re giving up: sugar, gluten, alcohol, carbs, or (heaven forbid) coffee. While all these sacrifices sound admirable (and maybe a little torturous), I can’t help but wonder: Why is no one talking about giving up the things that really weigh them down?

I’m not talking about what’s on your plate—I’m talking about what’s in your mind, your heart, and your soul. The thoughts, relationships, and habits that don’t serve you. The things that quietly (or loudly) sap your energy and steal your joy. You can’t step into a state of ease, grace, and true joy when the clutter of negativity is holding you back. So, instead of clearing out your pantry, how about clearing out your life?

Start Here: What No Longer Serves You?

Let’s get real. Who or what is sucking the life out of you?

• The toxic friend who leaves you drained after every conversation.

• The inner critic that won’t stop whispering that you’re not good enough.

• The constant overcommitting to things you don’t even care about.

Why do we hold onto these things? Because they’re familiar? Because we’re afraid of what life will look like without them? Because we don’t think we deserve better?

This is where my father, Howard, would say —wise beyond his years (all 96 of them), and a man who mastered the art of not letting life get to him, “How long are you going to wait?”

Even in his 90s, my dad was the epitome of calm. Sure, there were exceptions—like when my mom passed or the time one out-of-touch CNA at his care facility took away his OJ before he finished it (he loved his juice) and he uttered a quote that has now become famous in our home: “Bitch stole my juice!” But aside from those rare moments, he lived in a state of peace and acceptance.

He didn’t let anything or anyone bother him. Not people. Not his inability to walk. Not the endless list of “what ifs” that plague so many of us.

So, how long are you going to wait to let go of the people, thoughts, and habits that drag you down? How long are you going to wait to say no to things that sap your energy and yes to the things that fill you?

If you’re still holding onto that toxic relationship, that nagging insecurity, or that relentless guilt, ask yourself:

  • How much is this costing me?

  • What could I gain if I let it go?

  • Am I willing to trade my peace of mind for it?

  • Who would I be without it?

In the words of Howie, “How long are you going to wait?”

Allison Baldwin

Having devoted nearly my entire corporate career to employee engagement, job satisfaction, and on-the job-well-being, I still love keeping my eyes and ears on “company” news. According to Fast Company [05-14-2024]— one of my fave mags — Gallup’s 2023 workforce report, which polled more than 2 million workers from over 160 countries, found that workplace stress is at a record high, with 44% of workers experiencing high levels of stress daily and 21% experiencing anger.  Most employees worldwide are still grappling with challenges both at work and in their personal lives, significantly impacting organizational productivity.

These at-work struggles often, if not always, spill over into home life, creating additional stress and strain on personal relationships and on mental health and mental illness is a pervasive problem among adults and children in the U.S. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that almost 60 million adults in the U.S. live with some form of mental illness. And, according to a 2024 Workforce Mental Health Trends Forecast, 94% of respondents say offering mental health benefits is “very important” to prospective employees.

In a world gripped by unrelenting stress and a fleeting sense of happiness, the pursuit of well-being and joy has never been more critical—particularly within the workplace, where  we invest at least one-third of our lives. Think of the impact. How we feel on the job clearly affects how we feel overall.  If you think workplace happiness is a “nice to have,” think again. Happiness brings abundant benefits: it's essential for building a stronger, healthier workplace and affects retention and hiring. Check out the survey results done by Harvard Business Review showing that that an overwhelming majority (85%) of business leaders agree on the benefits of prioritizing workplace happiness.

When asked, Do you believe that being a happier place to work than your competitors would:

I spent years getting into employees’ heads and hearts finding out what makes them tick — the factors that create an amazing personal employee experience, because you really can’t separate the personal from the employee. Companies forget that. Disruption and change doesn't have to be bad. It can be the spark to propel your people and the organization forward when the shift -- be it a new direction or a new benefit - fosters a strong, resilient, exciting culture or street life, as I call it.

Enter Laughter Yoga, the unexpected hero in the fight against modern-day malaise. Where stress takes a backseat, and happiness is within arm’s reach. Laughter Yoga is a transformative activity that’s breaking the mold in shifting the well-being of both individuals and businesses because those who laugh together, work better together!  As companies hunt for innovative strategies to keep their teams engaged, happy, and productive, the power of laughter is standing out as a refreshing and effective answer.

In today’s business world, the topic of joy can seem elusive. You certainly don’t see it on the agenda during Monday morning quarterbacking.  What if we could flip the script and view life, including work life, through a happier lens? Imagine an experience that doesn't just make you feel better but physically transforms your body and mind. Laughter Yoga is a playful activity that combines deliberate laughter (which turns contagious pretty quickly), eye contact and deep yogic belly breathing.  You might be thinking, deliberate laughter? It starts that way, but your body doesn’t know the difference between laughing at something humorous and a fake physical laugh. You experience the same physiological effects either way.

When we laugh, there's a fascinating cascade of physiological changes that take place in our bodies and brains. It's more than just an emotional response; it's a complex interplay of chemistry and mechanics that can significantly impact our overall health. Laughter triggers a flood of hormones - our body's natural feel-good chemicals - promoting an overall sense of well-being and even temporarily relieving pain and anxiety. It also reduces stress hormones; improves immune function, circulation, respiration and enhances our mood. These benefits are not just anecdotal; they're backed by a growing body of scientific research.

Leaders know workplace stress is a problem. They experience it themselves. They’re burned out and exhausted maybe not always but a lot. Many try to address it, but often in ineffective ways. Laughter Yoga takes you way outside your comfort zone which is why it’s easy to give it the side eye. But, there’s a serious side to cracking up. Laughter builds community. When your team shares laughter, they build bonds that translate into improved collaboration, communication and creativity. It’s a prescription for laughing, learning, leading, and is a catalyst for corporate wellness and success.

The benefits of Laughter Yoga can be felt in minutes and it’s suitable for all fitness levels. Once you know how to do it correctly, you can do it on your own — and, it’s free. When done in groups, it’s a chance to decompress and connect on a more human level. And, according to indeed.com, companies that successfully foster community among employees often experience higher rates of trust, respect, empathy and cooperation overall. “Building a vibrant workplace community isn't a perk—it's a game-changer. When employees feel truly connected to something that feels bigger and stronger together, they unleash a wave of creativity and productivity that can propel a company forward,” says Allison Baldwin, former Senior Vice President of People who is now the co-Founder of The Zest Zone, a St. Petersburg, FL based practice known for guiding others to live and work with more joy and vitality in life and in business.

Businesses on the lookout for the next big thing to boost employee morale and productivity are recognizing the immense potential of Laughter Yoga. Incorporating regular laughter sessions into the workplace is not just a feel-good gimmick; it's a strategic move to foster a healthier, more dynamic work environment. For employers, it’s an investment in mental health and in creating a happier workplace. As an old ad slogan from the California Milk Advisory Board goes, “Happy cows make better cheese.”  And, just like happy cows, a joyful workplace produces better results.

It's time to keep it light, even when we can’t.

To bring Laughter Yoga into your business, contact Ilene directly.

About Ilene Mitnick

Ilene and her partner Allison Baldwin are Founders of The Zest Zone, known for guiding others to live, work and play with more joy and vitality — with an emphasis on personal health. Their mission is to be a dynamic force in physical and emotional wellbeing all in the Pursuit of Happiness. Ilene has facilitated hundreds of workshops in Leadership, Coaching, Motivation and Joy Work and has led groups through transformative experiences like Think Tanks, Retreats and Cultural Turnarounds.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ilene Mitnick C: 860-638-8568




@thezestzone - Instagram

Allison Baldwin
Is Joy on Your Radar?

We all want more joy in our lives, but let’s face it - many of us don’t feel we have the time or energy to go looking for it because, well, life. 

We have so many to-dos on our lists that we that we sometimes forget we are human beings, not human doings. Sure, we have responsibilities; real things that can’t be ignored. But, what if I reminded you that the best things in life really are free?

When I feel pressured - maybe acting from a place of lack, or anxiety because I’ve procrastinated too long on a project with a looming deadline, or because I’m carting around some old baggage that has me thinking I don’t get to have joy; that it’s something everyone else gets to have, but not me - it can be overwhelming. In those moments, joy isn’t even on my radar. 

What if I told you that you have everything you need to turn those moments around? When we work with people who are looking for more joy in their lives, we dig deep into finding what matters, what really matters, to them. And, then, together, unearth strategies - simple strategies - to begin moving the needle toward living a more joyful life..

It’s not an overnight job. We humans rubber-band our way back to what we know, to how we have always operated, to what our brains have been chemically wired for despite the discomfort or dissatisfaction it brings. But, why? Because it’s familiar, we’ve made friends with it, we know how to respond - even when it’s not in our best interest. It takes clear intention, a powerful acknowledgement of desire, and consistent work to re-prioritize our days to ensure we are putting our own joy on the map. And, importantly, an understanding that when we do put our own joy on the map - all the other areas of our life benefit. 

The surprising thing? A small shift in perception or a tiny moment of inspired action can begin to shift how satisfied we are with our lives and move us toward joy. For years I’ve been wanting to spend more time playing golf. And, for years I felt I didn’t have time, that it would be selfish of me to take time to play when I have so many responsibilities, so many other things on my list that need me - and me alone- to do. People would ask me to play and I’d politely decline, each time asking them to keep me in mind for the future. Those individual, polite ‘not this time’ decisions added up to years of keeping myself from something I knew would bring me joy.

Why is it we think if we do one thing on any particular day our world will collapse? After taking a really good look at my life and what things I could do more of to bring me more joy, I recently said yes to a round of golf. One morning - five hours of my time - and, guess what? I had so much fun. The world didn’t collapse. Our business didn’t suffer. That one round of golf made me incredibly happy and, suddenly, I couldn’t wait to play again. The years of melodrama around ‘I don’t get to play golf. I’m too busy,’ - that’s what collapsed along with the resentment I was quietly carrying around. 

There are plenty of ways to add joy to your life that don’t require a major investment of time. Listening to a playlist of music that takes you back to a happy time, taking a walk in nature, reading a chapter of a book you’ve had on your nightstand forever, meditating, calling a friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with, having a date with a cup of tea in the afternoon. There are also some ways that do take an investment of time - my round of golf, for example. The reality is, it never takes as much time as you imagined and, more importantly, it’s an investment in your happiness. And, by the way, I bet there are areas of your to-do list that could be all-together eliminated, simplified, or delegated to make the time. But that’s a whole other conversation. 

Make a list of a few things, right now, that you love to do, but haven’t done because you haven’t felt you have the time. Now, go be radical and do one. If it’s painting - you don’t have to create a masterpiece in an afternoon - just go shopping for some supplies. If it’s going to the theater, check out what’s playing near you and buy a ticket. If it’s going to the beach more, put a date with the beach in your calendar, draw a little beach umbrella, and go!

Here’s to finding simple pleasures and realizing you just might have all the time in the world for them.

Allison Baldwin

Has that spring-time rush of enthusiasm for change and getting stuff done shifted to daydreaming about the beach - leaving all your beautiful goals, promises, and project plans in the dust? You’re not alone. 

I can find a thousand things to do when I have a daunting project in front of me. Maybe you’re like me? Put a big project in front of me - or even a list of things to do - and suddenly I have all kinds of energy for cleaning the house, doing the laundry, organizing a drawer, color coding my closet, taking on a new recipe, or researching the best next plant for my new butterfly garden. What is that thing we do? 

I like to tell myself that I’m creative. I’m strategic. Maybe almost a genius! That I work best under pressure. The closer to a deadline, the better my focus, and the better the final product. Maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s just the way I’m wired. What I do know is that the toll of this habit - yes, its a habit - can leave me pretty amped up and amped up equals stressed and stressed equals nothing good. 

What I also know is that if I look at the less than pleasant project in front of me and set my mind to taking it on - really owning it - I can slay it in record time. Facing into it and actually doing the work is never as big as I imagined it to be. A lot in life is an illusion. We often think something is so much bigger than it really is. 

So there’s mindset. That’s first. Then, there’s the doing. 

Awhile back, I started using the Pomodoro method - a super simple productivity hack that, after I got over myself, had me careening through my to-do lists. The concept is easy - set a timer and work for 25 minute stretches of focused work, broken by five minute breaks. After four consecutive 25 minute work and 5 minute break sessions, there’s a 30 minute break. No email breaks, looking at texts, scrolling. Nothing but the list. And, no prioritizing - start at the top and work your way down. Right - I didn’t think it would work either. I’m too right brained, too creative. Well, big ego surprise, it worked. I got more done in that initial 25 minute session than I often get done in a morning.  It works for big projects, as well as gangly unrelated lists.

Even so - with a mindset shift and a cool project management tool in hand, focus is still an issue for me. You, too? My secret weapon? I use a blend of essential oils that, when combined with all of the above, puts me in full control. I use it all the time. It’s called InTune, a certified, pure, tested grade blend of oils that assists with focus and clarity of thought. It helps balance activity in unique ways for each part of the brain. Chemistry rocks. And, for me, my inability to focus is inextricably tied to my brain chemistry. If any of this feels familiar to you, get your hands on some of this - there’s a link below. 

While there may be no magic bullet to make all of our responsibilities and lists disappear, there definitely are ways to conquer procrastination. 

Everyone procrastinates at one time or another, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent thing. Whether you prefer the tried-and-true mindset approach, finding productivity strategies that work for you, or trying on alternative methods like hacking your brain chemistry naturally with essential oils, the best thing is to experiment with different approaches until you find something that works for you. There’s no shame in seeking out help when it comes to owning your time and keeping your life on track. Get creative and give yourself permission to experiment! Rome wasn’t built in a day- and even Rome had to start somewhere. 


Purchase - InTune - Focus Blend

Read About - Pomodoro Method

Allison Baldwin
Slow Down. Stop. Make Time for Change.

Two standout times in this house for change? Mondays and the arrival of Spring. Well, voila, we’re feeling both of them today - BIG. And, if you’re like us, you’ve been feeling that old familiar tug for awhile, too. We like it. We’ve made friends with it. And, while more change can feel daunting - or sometimes like a giant, floating question mark - we’ve learned to break it down and ride it; trusting, on the other side, it could be something really amazing.

Have you ever stared into the abyss of your life, like it's a crystal ball from which there's no escape, wondering if something better could be waiting for you; something you desperately want - like a more joyful and vibrant life, but just can't see your way to it? It ain't easy to reimagine yourself - I mean how do you even begin that journey? It's like fixing the airplane while you're flying it. But don't sweat! Change doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. You just need a few realistic steps and soon enough all those dreams and visions will become reality – bam!

Take Stock of Your Current Life Situation

Before you dive into reinventing your life or even a portion of it, let's take stock of where things are at right now! What makes you happy? What do you want more of? And what could use a little changing up? What do you want less of? Taking an honest look at your life will help you get clear on your next steps to transformation. Don't be afraid to give truth a chance! You have to look at it, feel it, give it all gratitude for what it's offered - yes, even the less than positive, and then move forward!

Set Some Goals

Got some things in your life that need a little TLC? Time to focus on them and set some goals! Now don't try and bite off more than you can chew—keep them real and achievable. For me, it’s been a desire to do more of what I love each day. Simple. Like reading more. Make some lists. Break your goals down into small chewable bites and make sure they're measurable so you can witness your progress with ease. This is not an exam with a final grade - feel free to spit out some of those bites if you've been chewing on them and they're not tasting good anymore. And, then, create yourself a timeline. Deadlines can help push you through when motivation is lagging and all that jazz. Boom - goal setting made simple!

Take Inspired Action

Okay. Drum roll. It's time to get up and for you to own the space! Look at the goals you set and identify some things you can easily add to your daily life.. They don't have to all fall into the big-leaps-only category. Maybe it's a hobby you've been eyeing, actually reading the book you've been meaning to open, taking better care of yourself with regular exercise healthier eating, adding good supplementation into your daily routine, a healthier lifestyle, and - most importantly - you time. Make sure you keep ample free time aside so reinvention isn’t all work and no play!

Life is full of surprises, so what better time to embrace some change right now? Don't be afraid to take risks while reinventing - break out of your comfort zone, giddy up - think big. After all, every journey begins with a single step.

Want Change?

If you need a little goose as you gander your life and a little help breaking it all down, we'd love to help. Give us a shout to set up a discovery call to see how we can work together.

Allison Baldwin
When Joy Came to Stay

Most personality tests we’ve taken reveal us both as more spontaneous sorts and not particularly fond of planning ahead — not always the case, but for the most part, true. With that said, you can’t put everybody into a box. We're the perfect contradiction; spontaneous yet organized, high-wire jugglers who love when things get done and done well. 

As soon as we realize we want or need to do something, we do it. Whether it’s doing a Trader Joes run in between meetings because we have a craving, stopping mid-project to make homemade Strawberry Shortcake (because Ilene’s family is visiting), or sending a text because someone pops into our heads, we do it. 

We love when planned meets spontaneous. Like in January, when an endless lightning storm of ideas hit us and we decided to stop, drop, and roll into a planning mode to take a look at our Zest Zone offerings to see how to best serve our growing community and stay true to what lights our fires. What surfaced was a plan to return to our love space — coaching others who want to live with more joy and vitality, step into their power, and ignite the flame in their lives. For years people have been saying they want what we’re having. This is our reply.

Now, in addition to being your trusted Guides when it comes to leveling up your mind, body, and spirit with essential oils and natural solutions, we’re adding Joy Coach to the shingle. 

With over half a century of collective experience in entrepreneurship, start-ups, business turnarounds, leadership and personal coaching just waiting to be unleashed on your behalf, we’re ready to help you uncover what brings you true joy - what makes life worth living with more vibrancy and meaning than ever before, and help you get there. Even if resources, energy or support seem lacking at present; now is always the best moment to get jumpstarted back onto a Joy Journey (be it work or lifestyle).  

If you could use a little more joy and vibrancy in your life, take the first step today. Read on and be in touch. Let’s unlock everything together. 

Move over Marie Kondo! We’ve got our own Joy Shtick!

You’ve heard of the household name Marie Kondo, creator of the KonMari Method™ — where you use your feelings as the standard for decision making – specifically, around tidying. For example, if I’m cleaning my sock drawer, I pick up each pair of socks and ask if they spark joy. If yes, keep. If not, toss.  It’s a helpful method for us clueless-when-it-comes-to-decluttering denizens, hopefully ensuring one doesn’t relapse to cluttering soon after. 

Looks like Marie has once again won the Joy Lottery with her new book, ”Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life,” a guide where the tidying of space takes a back seat to sparking joy in every part of your life by creating more conscious rituals. Apparently, Marie’s life is messier now and she’s okay with it. She’s turned inward to more thoughtful things than a neat sock drawer.

We love her current take. Not only because we’re in the business of joy, too - but because we take our mission of living a joyful life so darn seriously. Each morning, we ask ourselves what we are looking forward to today and how it can be even more magical. Starting the day with an invitation to joy is a very zappy thing to do. When something is energizing, turns you on and makes you lean forward,  that’s ZAPPY! Do you start your days Zappy or Sappy - meaning more draining.  Joy first. Sock drawer later.

Back to Marie. The focus of her book is the concept of kurashi — an untranslatable Japanese word that roughly means “the ideal way of spending our time” or “way of life.”  And, it starts from the moment your day begins until it ends. Phew! We’re doing it right! First thing — upping the joy meter! And, you can, too. Buy the book here.

Living joyfully takes thought and serious intention. It helps if those around you desire it, too. Here’s a big question. Take an inventory of your family and friends? Do they spark joy? Do they relish in yours?  Do you need a new circle? It happens. 

Joy is free for all and there are some simple techniques to start with that will transform your outlook or your day into a more joyful one. Here are three manageable rules (make that tools) to spark more Joy.

Tool 1

Before you start your morning rituals, add a new one: Remind yourself it’s a new day. You can start-up or start-over any time. Meditation is a great way to start.  

I started with Guided meditation, but now love to let my mind roam freely with Tibetan bowls or Native American Flute music. Words and lyrics distract me. You might be different. It’s all good. Go to Youtube, search around and give it a try. Meditating for just ten minutes a day can be life-changing. Keep it simple and do it regularly. 

Consider: Scrap the idea that you’re mind is too busy to meditate. We used to feel the same. Like anything, it’s a process - and one well worth the effort. Try fifteen minutes in the morning. We promise it will change your day.

Tool 2

In the morning, discuss or write down the answers to either or both of these questions:

How do I/we want the day to feel?  How can I/we create more joy today? 

Articulating your answers can have a significant impact on your minds, bodies and overall well-being.  Same with expressing what you are grateful for.  Make that three questions. 

Consider: Your answers can be quick. This is not a task - it’s an opportunity. And, the Universe is always listening. I love creating a visual movie (yes, we play our own movies in our heads) of the Universe looking down on our home in St Petersburg, FL and seeing flashing bright sparks shooting right out of our windows and responding with, Yep, give those ladies more of what they’re asking for.  That’s how it works! Positive thoughts bring more positive experiences. 

Tool 3

If you're looking for an easy way to reduce stress and affect your Joy Quotient, actual, physical decluttering might be a good place to start. Getting rid of excess stuff can benefit your mental health by making you feel calmer, happier, and more in control. When you get rid of everything in your life that’s not working for you, you’re free to completely shift your life and make room for possibilities.

Consider:  Start small. Or, in ONE corner (Alli’s method of choice).  We suggest starting with creating a clutter free zone for an activity you enjoy - reading or meditating or writing or whatever else brings you - yes, joy.

You really can find joy everywhere. Start today. Carry a smile and share it with a stranger. Our friend Carlyn from StrangersToFriends.com created the t-shirt you see Ilene sporting. You can find it at SmilesFirstWins.com. People who see it cannot NOT smile when they see it. Take a Joy Minute and remember, a small step toward joy is a chapter, not an entire story. It doesn’t have to be all perfect at once.

Have a beautiful week, friends.

Allison Baldwin
What if life could feel like vacation 365?

We’re outing ourselves as passion players in the Good Life-Joy-Seeking-Self-Care movement and we want to take you along for the ride.

As former owners of an award-winning Bed and Breakfast, and host to thousands of vacationers who craved slowing down to get their happy on, we’ve spent more than a little time thinking of meaningful ways to enhance the Guest vacation experience.  

Creating vibrant experiences, warm inviting spaces, and meeting people’s needs was then and is still our jam. Hundreds of people have asked us how to re-create that feeling in their homes - the vacation feeling. Is it possible? We think so. 

We moved on from that B&B life in 2019 but, while you might be able to take the girls out of the Bed & Breakfast, you can’t take the Bed & Breakfast out of the girls!! No, we’re not buying another Inn (it truly was the best gig ever), but we’re borrowing from our experiences - both there and in life - to take on a new moniker — Curators of the Good Life. 

Now, our fires are fueled to share simple life-changing practices and perspectives with you for living a happier, more vibrant, and joyful life. We want to turn you on to the truth that it is possible to live the good life - every day - in your own home - feeling a little bit of the vacation life without ever packing a bag (spoiler alert: It’s an inside job). 

We’ll be sharing our life with you here - from the inside out; sharing sweet, simple, and saucy secrets for creating a lovely and joyful life. We’ll explore everything from inside of your home to relationships to vibrant health - the foundation of a joyful life. And, we’ll talk transformation - because that’s the sweet spot. We’ll even share our back garden with you which is undergoing its own transformation right now and share how this fits into a bigger story.  Wherever we look, we see the magic and possibility in something and then think "How can we make this even more magical?” This is the question we’d like for you to begin to ask yourself - whether it’s your life, your work, your home, or how you spend your days.

It is with great love and joy we invite you to join us on this adventure.  Let us be your hosts as we journey into joy and help you create magical moments, spaces, and feelings of your own. It’s going to be an amazing ride. Who’s in?

For the full ride, follow us here and on Instagram.

Love, Alli + Ilene

We see the magic and possibility in something and then think - How can we make this even more magical?
— Alli + Ilene
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There’s no time like the present to make a real difference. With thousands of projects all around the world that deserve support – how do you find one that suits you?  A lot of things stopped in 2020, but the need to do good didn’t. Alli and I looked deep inside and, to the world around us, and realized there was still a fight to be fought. One to help the world move forward in incorporating equity, inclusion, and respect for diverse perspectives. As two queer women who have been steady supporters of Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors United and THE CENTER, the heart and home of NYC’s LGBTQ community, we decided to raise cash to fund programs ensuring LGBTQ New Yorkers have a place to connect, heal, celebrate and thrive. THE CENTER is the cornerstone of the LGBTQ community in New York City and each year, more than 400 community groups find support systems and take advantage of its many resources. Their vision of justice and equity for all recognizes, responds to and celebrates the many intersections of different identities.

Although we live St Petersburg, FL, a city that supports and celebrates the culture and advancement of the LGBTQ Community here in Tampa Bay — we wanted to extend the net and open our arms — and our pocketbooks — to NYC, home of LGBTQIA+ history and culture, commencing at the Stonewall Inn over 50 years ago. 

The Category is… Culinary Essential Oils!

There’s a new craze joining the food and drink scene—but this one has a distinct twist. Culinary Essential Oils. Really not so new —  Essential oils have accompanied us for millennia. And, instead of just having those lovely scents wafting through our home, essential oils are just as useful and beautiful in the kitchen as they are in that diffuser.

When we sat down to think about the most brilliant, inspiring and, above all, enjoyable way to raise money,  we thought about food and drinks. We’re always thinking about what’s next on our menu, so we decided to hit people in their spice rack.  Wait, what?! . . . Every day, we share the purest essential oils on the planet with those who want to level up their health and their kitchen creations. You might say we have a taste for it. Using dōTERRA oils exclusively (rigorously tested for purity and potency), we have curated a beautiful Taste the Rainbow Culinary Kit with 22 essential oils that elevate recipes with the most amazing tastes — That’s about 5000 drops of the purest aromatic compounds on the planet, with enhanced health benefits along the way. These oils are your passport to a world of flavor. It’s like having an International Farmer’s Market right in your own kitchen. 

With your help, the purchase of the Taste the Rainbow Culinary Kit goes beyond the kitchen. During Pride Month (June 1 - June 30), for every kit purchased, we are donating 20% of the sales directly to THE CENTER. Our stomachs might be many places, but all eyes are on NYC with Taste the Rainbow.  

Pride Month isn’t just about parties and parades—it’s about giving back to the LGBTQ+ community. Whether you’re LGBTQ+ or love someone who is;  whether you’ve blazed a path to the kitchen as a home cook or know someone who loves to cook, you can still indulge in some big-city gifting by purchasing a Taste the Rainbow Culinary Kit

An Act of LOVE

Cooking for someone else, or even for yourself, is an act of love.. And, when someone else cooks for you? That’s just seriously sexy. If you’re the type to mix and mingle over food or drink, even if you’re a party of one, you can create a food festival in your own kitchen with the Taste the Rainbow Culinary Kit. Step aside dried basil. Your more potent powerful sister Basil Essential Oil is here. 

Show your pride with our exclusive LGBTQ+ Taste the Rainbow Culinary Essential Oil Kit. Every sale directly benefits the The LGBT Community Center of NYC with a 20% donation for each purchase.

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Yes, You Can Cook with Essential Oils

We're talking about high-quality, certified, pure, tested grade essential oils found in the Taste the Rainbow Culinary Kit. By infusing recipes with the taste of citrus, floral, mint and herbal hardiness, you’ll soon be creating tantalizing treats. You will never complain that everyday food is boring, as chefs and home cooks at all levels, embrace the idea of a delicious new twist in local tastes. Whether you're a culinary pro, a novice chef or a home cook looking to elevate flavors, these essential oils will provide plenty of ways to take everyday meals and drinks to a brand new level. Essential oils cannot make bad food good, but they can make good food great!  You will love the subtlety and the intensity you can add to any dish or drink. The oils are extremely concentrated (50 to 70 times stronger than their herb/fruit counterpart), so the taste and flavor profile you end up with is remarkably luscious.

Unparalleled in the Industry. 

Not all essential oil brands are meant for consumption; some companies use fillers or synthetic ingredients. We offer dōTERRA essential oils exclusively as they are rigorously third-party tested to ensure every bottle is pure. No additives. No fillers. Pure plant. Pure flavor. Harvested from countries where the plants grow indigenously, the oils offer the most potent flavor and benefits. These oils are not only good for you, they’re good for the world-at-large. In addiction to supplying the highest quality essential oils, dōTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers — all those who contribute to oil production. 

dōTERRA is the most conscious company on the planet. Through its Co-Impact sourcing efforts, our company uplifts people all over the globe - especially in underdeveloped areas. 

doTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. Growers and harvesters are encouraged to form cooperative groups to share collective benefits and bargaining power while improving skills and capacity. 

We are honored to be working partners with a company whose mission is to share pure, high-quality essential oils with the world so you feel empowered to take care of your health and wellbeing in and outside the kitchen. 

What They’re Saying About Cooking with Essential Oils

I'm not a chef, but absolutely love cooking with the culinary oils. What I love most is the ability to be creative. I can experiment with different spices and oils - even cuisines.  

As a professional chef, I typically only reach for organic herbs and fruits. I was blown away by the purity and the flavor of these beyond organic oils. My chicken thighs with four lemons will never be the same.  — Michele Ragussis, Food Network Chef, Beat Bobby Flay …

Cooking with these oils is a blast.  I’m able to create sinful combinations for my lady and know it’s going to amaze her at the same time. 

I thought my recipes (most of which are more improv anyway) were as they they should be —  already invented. Essential oils elevate food and drink to a brand new place. Everything is better and beautiful. Really divine.  — Ilene Mitnick

“Within this acknowledgement of what we’re fighting for and the challenges we face, we also must find the strength – together – to continue the fight. We’re fighting for ourselves, fighting for the BIPOC and trans members of our community, and fighting for future generations. By making this the 2021 theme for NYC Pride, we acknowledge all that we’ve accomplished and look towards what still needs to be done. NYC Pride events offer an opportunity to gather in community and highlight the diversity, resilience, and power of the LGBTQIA+ community, giving us the energy and spirit we need to continue the fight.”

— André Thomas, NYC Pride Co-Chair.

Allison Baldwin