High-Vibe Living with Essential Oils

Zest Laugh

 Zest Laugh

You are about to laugh like you’ve never laughed before.

I’m thrilled to know that as we unlock the body’s healing potential - laughter - one of the most natural, affordable, and readily available remedies is still the best medicine. 
— Ilene Mitnick, Certified Laughing Yoga Leader & Joy Coach

Laughter is a turbo-charged shortcut to Joy! It’s the expressway to flipping a bad moment right on its head and turning it into a good one. Have you ever tried to stay unhappy while you're doubling over with laughter? You can’t. It’s like attempting to stay dry in a downpour without an umbrella - impossible!

Join me at one of my Laughing Yoga Social Club sessions and let’s rev up those laughter engines together. I offer live and virtual. You’ll find the links below. - Or, jump into Joy Camp because the world can always use another dose of LOL Laughter - or double down and join us for our Joy Camp Retreat.

But, first, let’s dive into what Laughing Yoga is - and what it isn’t.

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter Yoga is a new prescription for good health. It’s a bio-hack that changes the state of mind by combining deliberate laughter with playful movement, clapping, chanting and deep yogic breathing. It’s a breakthrough technology that's shaking up the health and wellness scene. Instead of sweating it out on a treadmill or contorting yourself into impossible poses, you'll be laughing your way to better health! You’ll be breathing in a whole new way and reaping the benefits in no time!

are there benefits?

Does the Pope wear funny shoes? This is a BIG, fat YES!  Laughter Yoga cultivates joy, invites your inner child out to play, and helps you let go of daily life stressors. Laughter Yoga brings about emotional, physical, and spiritual transformations, including:

  • Pain Relief

  • Immunity Booster

  • Lifted Spirits 

  • Increased Overall Life Satisfaction

  • Release of Endorphins (the body's natural feel-good chemicals) promoting an overall sense of Well-Being.

  • Enhanced Energy

  • Mental Alertness

  • Improved Cardiovascular Health

  • Stress/Anxiety/Depression Relief

  • Rewired Neural Pathways

  • Reduced Stress Hormones

  • Pain Relief 

Who is Laughter Yoga for?

Everyone. It’s the ticket to Joy Town for individuals or groups wanting to bring more laughter, joy and well-being into their lives. It’s particularly good for those who cannot perform traditional exercise, but who still want the benefits. Successfully used with:

  • 55+ Communities

  • Hospitals and Rehab Centers

  • Life Coaches, Sales Managers, Tourism Professionals

  • Schools/Universities

  • and, anyone wanting to bring more laughter and joy into their lives!

  • Corporate Wellness Programs

  • Team Building Sessions

  • Hotels, Resorts and Luxe Living Properties

  • Retreats and Leadership Summits

  • Assisted Living Facilities

  • Gyms

Can LaughTER Yoga be incorporated into the Workplace?

Absolutely! Those who laugh together, work better together! Feeling good and performance go hand in hand because laughter builds community. When your team shares laughter, they build bonds that translate into improved collaboration, communication, and creativity. By reducing stress, improving morale and boosting productivity, Laughter Yoga can help create a positive and productive workplace culture. Whether guiding Leaders through laughter-infused team-building exercises or empowering others to embrace the power of laughter for stress management, Laughter Yoga helps associates thrive in every aspect of their professional and personal lives. Laughter Yoga is the newest prescription for laughing, learning, leading, and is a catalyst for corporate wellness and success.


✅ BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL — Want to bring more laughter into your life, event, or organization? I’d love to answer your questions. Book a Discovery call to chat about details and find out how Laughter Yoga can help take your laughter and well-being to the next level.

✅ JOIN US ON ZOOM - Join a live, virtual Laughter Yoga session Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (EST) Meeting ID: 825 5046 63 or just click the link below.

✅ JOIN US LIVE - Check the schedule below for dates and locations where I will be holding free Laughter Yoga Experiences near you.

GULFPORT, FL - Sundays @ 9:00am - In person at beautiful Veterans’ Park, 5350 31st Ave., S Gulfport, FL

private laughing session: Let's Talk Laugh Therapy

Bring more laughter into your life intentionally with a private Laughter Yoga session. You don’t need a life-line. You need a Laugh-Line! Ilene will help you quickly open your heart while you both laugh-out-loud like there’s no tomorrow resulting in feelings of greater hope and optimism. You can kick stress to the curb and skyrocket your well-being with personalized laughter coaching unlike anything you've experienced before. It’s a unique and refreshing approach to self-care that can bring instant joy.

Book a Laugh-Line Discovery call — a brief, no-pressure courtesy call for us to meet and see what’s got you down. From there, it’s all giggles and that long-awaited deep breath.


about me

As a Certified Laughing Yoga Leader, Joy Coach, and life-long laugher, I offer insights and strategies on the pursuit of happiness by encouraging you to find joy, one laugh at a time. 

I’ve facilitated hundreds of workshops in Leadership, Coaching, Motivation and Joy Work and have led groups through transformative experiences like Think Tanks, Retreats and Innovation Labs. I’ve elevated the spirits of Fortune 500 figure heads and have led an army of leaders ready to revolutionize corporate culture. Today, my mission is to be a dynamic force in the world of wellness. I specialize in harnessing the power of nature's remedies, including essential oils, to guide others in leveling up their physical and emotional well-being.

As a former award-winning Bed and Breakfast owner whose innovative approach to guest satisfaction set new standards, I get what it takes to elevate the guest experience. My desire to help others enjoy a high-vibe life, however they define it, comes from that place we know and think about when we’re on vacation or away on business — freed up and poised for creativity and change.

These days, I’m thrilled to offer a refreshing alternative to traditional amenities: Laughing Yoga — for those who want to live, work and play with more joy, vitality and vibrancy. The sessions are a catalyst for joy, encouraging guests to release stress; say YES to spontaneity, and create meaningful connections with other travelers. As the demand for transformative experiences continues to soar, one thing remains clear: laughter truly is the best medicine, and in my hands, it becomes the ultimate luxury.