zest Habitat: Where you live
We are obsessed with how to best live life. Right here. Right now. Been that way forever. And, so, it was no coincidence when the discovery of essential oils unearthed some extraordinary gifts for us: from an open invitation to expand the vitality of our mind, body and spirit to a reprieve from what we refer to as moments of planetary imbalance. Natural solution peeps know there’s a cleaner way of living. There’s an entire culture with an all-out celebration of zestful living. When you join the tribe, you take control of how you feel. How you clean. How you rest. How you beautify. How you take care of your face to how you face the day. You reawaken, reset and reap the benefits of new rituals for you and your family that are legend-making. Essential oils bring an ancient art into a new generation. Real elements with holistic cred bringing us wellness, abundance and vibrant energy. Now, it’s time to bring them to you.
Essential Oils - They’re Not Just for Diffusers
There are three ways to use essential oils and, yes, diffusing is one of them - a powerful one. It’s the only one we knew. And, then, the world opened up. We learned we could clean with them, replace toxic chemicals in our home with them; freshen the air with them; replace our personal skincare and haircare products; create our own signature scents without the mystery chemicals often found in perfumes; promote restful sleep; aid in relieving tension and stress; aid in digestion; replace supplements with powerful plant-based options; support healthy cellular immune function; support cardiovascular and circulatory health; support healthy metabolic function; and - yes - we cook with them (for an FDA approved list of oils safe to ingest, click here).
dōTERRA has a unique collection of essential oil blends formulated specifically with little ones in mind.
Your pets can get in on the lifestyle, too. Using these pure therapeutic essential oils as part of a well-rounded health program for your four-leggeds can actually help them thrive and live their best possible life, as well as provide assistance during times of discomfort. dōTERRA Veterinary Advisory Board.
“The essential oil lifestyle offers rewards that run wide and deep. However you are looking to change up your lifestyle - dōTERRA has a solution. We live a zest-filled life and we welcome you to explore how to rock your world by adding essential oils into your daily equation.”