“Nobody’s going to ring your doorbell and bring you a Joy Bento Box.
It’s up to you and only you to curate a life you love.
Joy Coaching. A Guide to Mood Hacking your life.
We’ve been asking people for years what matters most. Almost always, the answer is living a happy joyful life. And, almost all of the time, there are snags that get in the way. Joy Coaching is basically a guided tour for Mood-Hacking your life - your personal life, work life, or both - ensuring all aspects of your life are aligned with joyful living.
As Curators of the Good Life, we are obsessed with living, working and playing with more joy and vibrancy. Which is perfect since our jam is showing stressed out female entrepreneurs how they can live and work more joyfully through a revival coaching Xperience taking them from survive to thrive. We’re on a mission to empower these women to take their lives back from overwhelm and experience greater clarity, peace and purpose. Joy might be on their list; maybe even their ultimate “why.” But, they feel they don’t have the time, energy, support or resources to get there. It may not even be on their radar.
Sound familiar? Want to chat and see how we can add some zest to your life? Before we get into the proverbial sandbox together, we do a Discovery call to find out where your Joy Bucket needs to be filled, or even if you knew you had a Joy Bucket. And, to see if we’re a good fit. Book a Discovery Call with us - a brief 30 minute, no-pressure, courtesy call to share what you’re interested in working on, see if the fit is right and, share different ways we might work together.
Sometimes, steering your own happiness takes a little nudge.
There’s much that goes along with dreaming big to create a more joyful and aligned life — but it doesn’t have to feel big and it doesn’t have to be a dream. It’s a process. We provide a model for that transformation. We explore what matters most to you, what contributes to or detracts from joy in every aspect of your life and, together, create a roadmap for living and loving a more joyful life. Then, we help you take the wheel.
The Zest Joy Coaching Process
When you’re ready to Jumpstart your Joy Journey, we commit to becoming partners and outline what that looks like. A thoughtful and creative journey begins: We ask questions. You spill open. We listen deeply, ask more questions and uncover how not living and working IN JOY is getting in the way. The back-and-forth dialogue you’ll engage in with us is like no other. We guide you to live in capital letters, as we love to say, so you can live a happier, healthier more joyful and fulfilling life. We incorporate a Zest Lifestyle Overview ensuring your emotional and physical resilience and well-being is optimal. We use and recommend pure essential oils for a very wide range of emotional and physical applications such as grounding, centering, balancing and uplifting. After all, you can’t get to Joy without feeling your zest best self!
Your Coaching Options
Discovery Call
A pre-requisite to all of our Coaching offerings, the Discovery Call is a brief, no-pressure courtesy call for us to get to know each other a little bit, to see if the fit is right, and present recommendations for the best way for us to work together. (See Coaching options below.)
Power Hour
You have to change the conversation if you want to change the results. If you need a bit of extra oomph to help tackle one issue or break through a barrier (must have one solid goal in mind), book yourself an empowering Power Hour. It's the perfect combination: the Guide you need and the push you want. Extraordinary things can happen in less than an hour. The goal? You gain clarity and new insights that enable you to move forward. Schedule a call below to see if this is the best option and, if so, to schedule your Power Hour. Discovery Call is required.
The Power Hour features:
Pre-work: You will complete a Zest-Life Intake form indicating key info about your goal or issue.
One 60-minute coaching session offering focused and tailored guidance
Help with strategizing and initial assistance with planning, if applicable
One follow-up call
Not Included: Help implementing plans or Accountability Calls (these services are included in the Joy Journey Six-Pack and Blueprint Offerings).
Joy Journey* Six-Pack
Are you ready to make positive changes in your life? Transform yourself over the course of six one-hour bi-weekly sessions and get back to navigating life with more ease, clarity, courage and confidence. You'll have a support system throughout this journey, co-create actionable strategies, and be encouraged to take inspired action for living a happier, more joyful existence!
The Joy Journey Six Pack features:
Six one-hour sessions grounded in support and designed to help you take the lead on living a more joyful life
A Zest Life-Happiness Inventory: You’ll rate the quality of the most important areas of your life and pinpoint action plans for improvement so you can reach peak levels of joy.
Strategies, Goals and Actions required to make changes
Help with prioritizing
Accountability check-ins
Communication via text/email between sessions (during business hours). We’ll be back to you quickly, but in no case longer than 24 hours
Discovery Call required prior to booking. Click below to schedule a call.
* The Joy Journey Six Pack is available for Couples who work together. Book a Discovery Call to find out more.
The Personal Blueprint Xperience
A multi-day immersive Experience designed to spark a powerful transformation from a surface level “I’m doing okay and I think I’m crushing it” to deeper insights resonating with your heart to fully align with your passion and purpose. You’ll leave with a personal blueprint for strategies to jumpstart living more authentically, healthily, and joyfully.
The Blueprint Experience features:
Two- day Immersive
A kick-off workshop to get clear on what matters most — discover what it takes for you to be authentically happy
Find out what you’re genetically wired to do; Clarify your Why
Set a vision for your Ideal lifestyle
A Zest Life-Happiness Inventory: You’ll rate the quality of the most important areas of your life; remove those things that don’t serve you and pinpoint action plans for improvement so you can reach peak levels of joy.
Map out Life desires and goals
Identify and assess key pillars of your Life using values as a compass
Establish strategies for everyday fulfillment
Goals and Actions required to make changes
Includes a digital Life Blueprint copy
Accountability check-ins
Communication via text/email between sessions (during business hours). We’ll be back to you quickly, but in no case longer than 24 hours.
Discovery Call required prior to booking. Click below to schedule a call.
Not Included: Help implementing plans or executing strategies
The Couples Blueprint Xperience
If you’re an entrepreneur and share your dinner table, and a whole lot more, with another entrepreneur — or, your Plus One has their own thing going on, yet you’re both running at max capacity, dual career couples pose potential burnout issues x 2.
Couples running at full bandwidth take partnership to a whole new level. You could be in for some ups and downs. You’ll discover things about each other you never knew. Trying to avoid burnout with your Boo takes some serious GPS. Full commitment to finding joy in your partnership, in and out of work, leads to long lasting success. Alli and I have worked side by side for almost 30 years. We’ve navigated the good, the bad and even traversed some bumps along the way so the romance, the relationship and the business thrive. We are uniquely qualified to share some proven strategies that put a little fun and flirt and a lot of joy back into your day-to-day, always driven by what matters most.
The bottom line is clear: Couples need to maintain a sense of balance and find their joy. As you grow separately, you grow together. The Blueprint Xperience for couples takes married to your work to the next level.
The Business Breakthrough Blueprint Xperience
A hands-on, action-driven multi-day immersive Experience guiding Business Owners and their Leadership Team on a strategic business planning journey to create a platform for shared success.
The Breakthrough Business Blueprint Experience features:
Two-day Immersive Workshop
A kick-off experience to get clear on what matters most and affirm the company’s WHY
Gain clarity and agreement on the vision/mission
A Business Success Inventory: You’ll rate the quality of your most important business pillars, as they relate to your vision, using business values as a compass
Map out Strategies to achieve future business dreams and goals and pinpoint action plans to reach peak performance
Identify key roles, focus, and roles required to maneuver your business into the most advantageous position
Includes a digital copy of the Breakthrough Business Blueprint
Accountability check-ins
Communication via text/email between sessions (during business hours). We’ll follow up quickly, but in no case later than 24 business hours
A Discovery call is required prior to booking
Not included: Assistance in implementation of strategies or execution of work.
Coaching for individual key team members is available upon request
Note: The Business Breakthrough Blueprint Xperience may be tailored for Solopreneurs or Teams.
“You cannot coach from a place you have not been.”
- Ilene and Allison — Curators of the Good Life
Ilene Mitnick and Allison Baldwin have practiced breakthrough coaching, transformational work, large-scale cultural change and leadership development for decades. Whether it’s working with those who want to start up, start over or stand out, or those who need a personal kickstart, they take a creative and unique approach allowing clients to let go of what they know and experiment with new perspectives.
Their lives have always been canonized by choosing only those things that bring them joy. They have ignited their own big-life changes trailblazing new careers, launching award-winning businesses and manifesting a life where they play resident Love Experts — because, as they say, “If you’re not in love with your own life, how can you give the best of yourself to others?”
Ilene and Alli currently reside in sunny St Petersburg, Fl with their beloved pet family – dog Bōdhi and cats Epstein and Jersey — and are continuously working on their reputation for living an insanely positive life.