Is Joy on Your Radar?
We all want more joy in our lives, but let’s face it - many of us don’t feel we have the time or energy to go looking for it because, well, life.
We have so many to-dos on our lists that we that we sometimes forget we are human beings, not human doings. Sure, we have responsibilities; real things that can’t be ignored. But, what if I reminded you that the best things in life really are free?
When I feel pressured - maybe acting from a place of lack, or anxiety because I’ve procrastinated too long on a project with a looming deadline, or because I’m carting around some old baggage that has me thinking I don’t get to have joy; that it’s something everyone else gets to have, but not me - it can be overwhelming. In those moments, joy isn’t even on my radar.
What if I told you that you have everything you need to turn those moments around? When we work with people who are looking for more joy in their lives, we dig deep into finding what matters, what really matters, to them. And, then, together, unearth strategies - simple strategies - to begin moving the needle toward living a more joyful life..
It’s not an overnight job. We humans rubber-band our way back to what we know, to how we have always operated, to what our brains have been chemically wired for despite the discomfort or dissatisfaction it brings. But, why? Because it’s familiar, we’ve made friends with it, we know how to respond - even when it’s not in our best interest. It takes clear intention, a powerful acknowledgement of desire, and consistent work to re-prioritize our days to ensure we are putting our own joy on the map. And, importantly, an understanding that when we do put our own joy on the map - all the other areas of our life benefit.
The surprising thing? A small shift in perception or a tiny moment of inspired action can begin to shift how satisfied we are with our lives and move us toward joy. For years I’ve been wanting to spend more time playing golf. And, for years I felt I didn’t have time, that it would be selfish of me to take time to play when I have so many responsibilities, so many other things on my list that need me - and me alone- to do. People would ask me to play and I’d politely decline, each time asking them to keep me in mind for the future. Those individual, polite ‘not this time’ decisions added up to years of keeping myself from something I knew would bring me joy.
Why is it we think if we do one thing on any particular day our world will collapse? After taking a really good look at my life and what things I could do more of to bring me more joy, I recently said yes to a round of golf. One morning - five hours of my time - and, guess what? I had so much fun. The world didn’t collapse. Our business didn’t suffer. That one round of golf made me incredibly happy and, suddenly, I couldn’t wait to play again. The years of melodrama around ‘I don’t get to play golf. I’m too busy,’ - that’s what collapsed along with the resentment I was quietly carrying around.
There are plenty of ways to add joy to your life that don’t require a major investment of time. Listening to a playlist of music that takes you back to a happy time, taking a walk in nature, reading a chapter of a book you’ve had on your nightstand forever, meditating, calling a friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with, having a date with a cup of tea in the afternoon. There are also some ways that do take an investment of time - my round of golf, for example. The reality is, it never takes as much time as you imagined and, more importantly, it’s an investment in your happiness. And, by the way, I bet there are areas of your to-do list that could be all-together eliminated, simplified, or delegated to make the time. But that’s a whole other conversation.
Make a list of a few things, right now, that you love to do, but haven’t done because you haven’t felt you have the time. Now, go be radical and do one. If it’s painting - you don’t have to create a masterpiece in an afternoon - just go shopping for some supplies. If it’s going to the theater, check out what’s playing near you and buy a ticket. If it’s going to the beach more, put a date with the beach in your calendar, draw a little beach umbrella, and go!
Here’s to finding simple pleasures and realizing you just might have all the time in the world for them.