High-Vibe Living with Essential Oils

Zest Zone

Move over Marie Kondo! We’ve got our own Joy Shtick!

You’ve heard of the household name Marie Kondo, creator of the KonMari Method™ — where you use your feelings as the standard for decision making – specifically, around tidying. For example, if I’m cleaning my sock drawer, I pick up each pair of socks and ask if they spark joy. If yes, keep. If not, toss.  It’s a helpful method for us clueless-when-it-comes-to-decluttering denizens, hopefully ensuring one doesn’t relapse to cluttering soon after. 

Looks like Marie has once again won the Joy Lottery with her new book, ”Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life,” a guide where the tidying of space takes a back seat to sparking joy in every part of your life by creating more conscious rituals. Apparently, Marie’s life is messier now and she’s okay with it. She’s turned inward to more thoughtful things than a neat sock drawer.

We love her current take. Not only because we’re in the business of joy, too - but because we take our mission of living a joyful life so darn seriously. Each morning, we ask ourselves what we are looking forward to today and how it can be even more magical. Starting the day with an invitation to joy is a very zappy thing to do. When something is energizing, turns you on and makes you lean forward,  that’s ZAPPY! Do you start your days Zappy or Sappy - meaning more draining.  Joy first. Sock drawer later.

Back to Marie. The focus of her book is the concept of kurashi — an untranslatable Japanese word that roughly means “the ideal way of spending our time” or “way of life.”  And, it starts from the moment your day begins until it ends. Phew! We’re doing it right! First thing — upping the joy meter! And, you can, too. Buy the book here.

Living joyfully takes thought and serious intention. It helps if those around you desire it, too. Here’s a big question. Take an inventory of your family and friends? Do they spark joy? Do they relish in yours?  Do you need a new circle? It happens. 

Joy is free for all and there are some simple techniques to start with that will transform your outlook or your day into a more joyful one. Here are three manageable rules (make that tools) to spark more Joy.

Tool 1

Before you start your morning rituals, add a new one: Remind yourself it’s a new day. You can start-up or start-over any time. Meditation is a great way to start.  

I started with Guided meditation, but now love to let my mind roam freely with Tibetan bowls or Native American Flute music. Words and lyrics distract me. You might be different. It’s all good. Go to Youtube, search around and give it a try. Meditating for just ten minutes a day can be life-changing. Keep it simple and do it regularly. 

Consider: Scrap the idea that you’re mind is too busy to meditate. We used to feel the same. Like anything, it’s a process - and one well worth the effort. Try fifteen minutes in the morning. We promise it will change your day.

Tool 2

In the morning, discuss or write down the answers to either or both of these questions:

How do I/we want the day to feel?  How can I/we create more joy today? 

Articulating your answers can have a significant impact on your minds, bodies and overall well-being.  Same with expressing what you are grateful for.  Make that three questions. 

Consider: Your answers can be quick. This is not a task - it’s an opportunity. And, the Universe is always listening. I love creating a visual movie (yes, we play our own movies in our heads) of the Universe looking down on our home in St Petersburg, FL and seeing flashing bright sparks shooting right out of our windows and responding with, Yep, give those ladies more of what they’re asking for.  That’s how it works! Positive thoughts bring more positive experiences. 

Tool 3

If you're looking for an easy way to reduce stress and affect your Joy Quotient, actual, physical decluttering might be a good place to start. Getting rid of excess stuff can benefit your mental health by making you feel calmer, happier, and more in control. When you get rid of everything in your life that’s not working for you, you’re free to completely shift your life and make room for possibilities.

Consider:  Start small. Or, in ONE corner (Alli’s method of choice).  We suggest starting with creating a clutter free zone for an activity you enjoy - reading or meditating or writing or whatever else brings you - yes, joy.

You really can find joy everywhere. Start today. Carry a smile and share it with a stranger. Our friend Carlyn from StrangersToFriends.com created the t-shirt you see Ilene sporting. You can find it at SmilesFirstWins.com. People who see it cannot NOT smile when they see it. Take a Joy Minute and remember, a small step toward joy is a chapter, not an entire story. It doesn’t have to be all perfect at once.

Have a beautiful week, friends.

Allison Baldwin