High-Vibe Living with Essential Oils

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Avocado Cucumber Salad


We’ve had this delicious dish on heavy rotation ever since we spotted it on @smittenkitchen’s Instagram feed. We replaced the lime juice the original recipe called for with dōTERRA Lime Essential Oil and a sprinkle of Gomashio . Sensational!


1 pound seedless cucumbers, chopped into chunks

2 scallions, thinly sliced

1 large avocado - preferably Hass - pitted and cubed

2 tablespoons mayonaise or vegenaise

6 drops dōTERRA Lime Essential Oil

Salt or Gomashio (Toasted Sesame Salt)

Sriracha to taste

Garnish with chopped cilantro, flat-leaf parsley, or pea shoots


Combine cucumber, scallions and avocado in a bowl. Whisk together mayonaise or vegenaise, lime essential oil and seasonings, adjusting levels to taste. Drizzle salad with dressing and garnish with cilantro, parsley, or pea shoots.

Allison Baldwin